Mission San Juan Capistrano

Mission San Juan Capistrano, historic landmark and museum, is the Birthplace of Orange County. It was founded more than two hundred years ago as the 7th of 21 missions statewide and features a chapel still standing where Saint Serra once celebrated Mass. Today, it is a monument to California’s multi-cultural history, embracing its Native American, Spanish, Mexican and European heritage. Originally built as a self sufficient community by Spanish Padres and Native Americans, the Mission was a center for agriculture, industry, education and religion.

Museum Website

As Orange County’s most historic landmark, Mission San Juan Capistrano strives to serve as a resource by providing a living and learning environment that promotes and nurtures an appreciation for history while providing a place of faith, renewal and celebration.
— Mission Statement

General Architecture and Garden

General Architecture and Garden General Architecture and Garden General Architecture and Garden General Architecture and Garden General Architecture and Garden General Architecture and Garden General Architecture and Garden General Architecture and Garden General Architecture and Garden General Architecture and Garden General Architecture and Garden General Architecture and Garden General Architecture and Garden General Architecture and Garden General Architecture and Garden

Statue of Saint Junipero Serra and an Acjachemen Boy

During the 2020 George Floyd protests, controversial statues were being destroyed. After receiving threats of vandalism, the mission relocated this statue from the Front Courtyard to a room adjacent to Fr. Serra Church onsite.

The statue is meant to symbolize the union between the mission’s mission and the help from the Acjachemen builders.

However, the interpretation of the statue can be taken differently given the Catholic church’s history with child molestation.

This statue is a great example of how important it is to view historical sites and art with controversial backgrounds through different perspectives.

Father Serra and Native American Boy Statue Father Serra and Native American Boy Statue Father Serra and Native American Boy Statue Father Serra and Native American Boy Statue Father Serra and Native American Boy Statue

Armory Center for the Arts


Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County