Project Objective: To have a public, digital database of collecting and displaying institutions’ temporary exhibits including exhibit name, institution name, exhibit start and end date.
Asset 1: Method for collecting exhibit information.
Asset 2: Method for displaying the collected information.
Asset 3: Color code to indicate upcoming and expiring temporary exhibit dates.
For asset 1, the method used was Google’s free tool, Forms. Forms allows users to create custom digital forms with its own url that can be sent out. The forms can be filled out and submitted. The Forms user then has access to the responses from every single submission.
The responses can also be exported to a Google Sheets document. Each question takes its own column on the first row; each submission takes the following row, and the answers from that submission then fills in the cell under the column of the questions it belongs to.
The sheet gets update with every submission in real time.
For asset 2, Sheets can be embedded onto anywhere that can process code. The sheet with the responses was embedded into a page on Museuesum.
For asset 3, conditional formatting was used to color the dates. No highlight means the exhibit is currently showing, blue highlight means the exhibit date is coming up, yellow highlight means theres seven days left before the exhibit ends, and red highlight means the exhibit has ended.